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Doubt Their Beliefs

Jude, in his letter to the called, beloved of the Father, and kept for Jesus Christ, said in verse 22, "...have mercy on some, who are doubting." The person who shows mercy correctly is empathetic from the heart, understanding that faith is the substance from which the highest form of life is built. Everyone believes something. The atheist believes there is no God, the evolutionist that self originates self, the Pantheist that God is in everything, and in Judeo/Christian belief that God is eternal, omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, and separate from His creation. 


Whatever anyone believes goes unseen. To believe in something unseen does not necessarily mean blind faith. The thing that takes the blind out of faith is the reason for trust. To believe in the air we breathe is not without reason; we all know that we can't live without breathing in air, even if we don't see it. We all know that no one is perfect, but that does not stop us from trusting people who do not usually disappoint us. A trust is an act of faith that another will not let us down, knowing that they might. 


Therefore, when someone is doubtful, they need to prove the reason for their faith so their conviction can assure them that they might no longer need to prove themselves. 


Hebrews eleven is the faith chapter. It is there that we learn the definition of faith. "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. For by it the men of old gained approval" Hebrews 11:1, 2. Hope is faith in future things not yet seen. When a friend makes a promise concerning tomorrow, we trust in the character and faithfulness of our friend. We are told that faith is the assurance of things. Where does the assurance come from when it is in something we can't see? There is only one answer to the previous question: the unseen God's character. 


Think of God this way. If God is infinite, as His miraculous book states, how far away from an endless object does one need to get, if the getting were possible, to see it? If God is everywhere, as omnipresence demands, it is impossible to escape from Him. Imagine one part in a cell that needs to be magnified a thousand million times to see inside. The multiplicity of what goes on inside is mind-boggling. Can you imagine one piece could see and comprehend the entirety of the being where in it lives? In this place, faith begins when people realize their size and importance in relation to the God that made all things for His honor and glory. 

My dear reader, if you have doubts concerning God's existence, learn about the miraculous book that God wrote despite the imperfections of the men He chose to do so. Furthermore, learn of the character of God Himself. Read about the man God became in the person of His Son, the second person of the divine trinity. Meditate on His words, teachings, reactions to hatefully jealous religious leaders, crowds that followed Him only for what they could get, and a group of people who He called to Himself for no other reason than He can. Let your musings lead to the only One that can change the direction of your life for all eternity and bring you joy and fulfillment that you could never imagine possible on your own. 

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