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My Story

In 1967, the Spirit of God brought me to repentance and faith when I listened to Billy Graham preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I had no discipleship for my six years as a believer, and when I finally became part of a church, I was blessed but also began to realize that not everything was right or as it should be when we gathered together. 

For the past five decades, I have carried a deep-seated passion in my heart—a passion for true fellowship and discipleship that leads to Christian evangelism, maturity, and community. My loyalty to God's people has been unwavering, but it has also held me back from pushing beyond the current state of the Church in the West. I yearn for a model of gathering that aligns with God's holy Word, a model that we seem to have lost along the way. 

For 1,700 years, tradition has been built into the Church. For over 900 years, the Gospel was all but completely lost, and now, for 500 years, the Gospel was recovered and then partly corrupted. Still, the gathering of God's people has not returned to a family of believers where Jesus Christ and God's Spirit are allowed to lead every believer to take their part in evangelism, worship, and discipleship. Instead of all believers as a community where the ground is level at the cross, institutions and agencies have co-opted the family, created a divide between the pulpit and the pew, and turned the body into a leadership hierarchy, unlike the first century. 

To be continued...

Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ

If you are discontent with your current experience at Church, if you feel stuck in a rut, if you feel entertained and schooled but also brush past other members without really getting close and knowing anyone and without feeling the presence of the Holy Spirit of God in prayer together, you may want to consider the Biblical understanding of the gathering together of God's people. 
As we turn the pages, we will embark on a journey of discovery. We will delve into what the New Testament says about Sunday morning worship and the trajectory a born-again, repentant person of faith should take in following Jesus Christ. Get ready to be enlightened and inspired.

At first, I will paint a picture of what the Church as a gathering or ekklesia should be like, but as I add more pages, we will see the Biblical reality of the ekklesia during the first century. We must remain sensible, objective, and humble. When our spirit is in total submission to the will of God, which enables us to walk in faith without fanaticism, not crippled by legalism or contained by unbelief, we will walk with Christ as mature Christ followers. 

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I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

410 960-4580

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