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Writer's pictureJoseph Durso

A Christmas Tree

My dear readers, I love Christmas for presents past, present, and yet to come. The mystery of Christmas is only for those who have spiritual eyes to see it. The wonder of God is that He is always in control, even when it seems like the world is spinning out of it. No matter what troubles this life may bring, Jesus Christ has removed their sting.

My hope for you all this Christmas is to see Jesus as the reason for the season. May you see beyond the Day and however long till Jesus comes to turn all the wrongs to right. "We know that God causes all things to work together for the good of those who love God, who are the called according to His purpose" (That is conformity to Christ). (Romans 8:28) May you be filled with the joy that caused Paul to say, "I reckon that the sufferings of this present age are not worthy to be compared to the glory that will be revealed to us." (Romans 8:18)



When I look

at a Christmas Tree, what

amazing things I can see. I see a very

ugly yet beautiful tree, it sat upon Calvary.

When I see stockings strung along the fireplace, I think

of God who bore sin’s penalty in my place; who’s pure and sinless

life He did pour out, so I might no longer face eternity with doubt.

When it’s time for mistletoe and holly and tinsel to cover the tree, I dwell

on a man who suffered Gethsemane, the savior who bore the cross for me.

When I look at Christmas present under the tree, I see the Lamb of God that

was sacrificed for me; I can see the Lord Jehovah who gave to me the gift of eternity.

When the ground is white and the air is full of Christmas cheer, and Children are waiting for the red-nosed reindeer; I focus on a sinless man who in all points was tempted as we, so the bondage of sin might no longer be.

While little children are hearing of Old’ saint nick and his story, I remember the Son of God who left heaven in all

His glory, so one day He might be a mediator for a long-lost sinner like me.

When I look at a Christmas Tree,

I can look right through Eternity;

O’ yes these things I can see

because Jesus gave

His Spirit to me.


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