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Writer's pictureJoseph Durso

A Youth on a Battlefield

My Journey of Faith Part 18

The Photo is David and Goliath with a verses from 1 Samuel 17:45 & Ephesians 6:12
The story of David and Goliath was real enought but there was the unseen war behind the physical reality

A Youth on a Battlefield was Given Sight

Coming to know Jesus Christ was walking into a light I had not known before. Likewise, a world I had been unable to see for many years could be seen through an ordeal that would test my faith and take it to an entirely different place.

For some, the talk about demons is to go to an extreme place. Well, I was in an extreme place after losing my income and house. Some church relationships were shaky, and others were made far stronger to this day. I am going to speak in generalities for which I apologize; however, in conservative circles like Presbyterians or Baptists, the idea of spiritual warfare is believed in the mind but can go unseen in the heart. I am talking about discernment.

We are told in 1 Corinthians 6:18 to "Flee immorality." On the other hand, we are told by James 4:6-7, "GOD IS OPPOSED TO THE PROUD, BUT GIVES GRACE TO THE HUMBLE." Submit, therefore, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." No one resists a demon (James uses the term 'the devil' as he is the ruler of an unseen army) when they are unaware of his presence. It takes discernment to distinguish when the problem is sin, demonic, or both. People can flee as fast as they can, but if they need to humble themselves and resist, they will never get away.

A Youth on a Battlefield Learned How to Pray

It is all too easy to stroll through life thinking that you are in control when, in reality, you're like David; one day, you're attending sheep and perhaps have some battles against the lion and the bear, as he did. The next day, you find yourself at risk of your life once again, but this time, the enemy is of a different kind.

When you are awoken by a nurse in the middle of the night, and she says, "I'm sorry, I'm not being fresh; I just wanted to see if you were still breathing," and then goes on to share her Christian testimony with you that is so parallel with your own that you instantly know that God is near. After leaving the hospital, I began to read about spiritual warfare. I don't remember where I got the book, but God was providing many necessary gifts under the circumstances. I started to enter a room that, as yet, did not exist for me.

One evening, I went to pray. Starting at 10 P.M., as the night went into the morning, my passion kept increasing, my life was on the line as I knew it, and God became closer than ever before. I concluded at 7 A.M. The verse from 1 Samuel 17 in the picture above was beginning to become my reality. David said, "...I come to you in the name of Yehovah Sabaoth or the Lord of Hosts or armies." When I refer to believers lacking discernment, I refer to us all. No one is born grown up, and the reality is that we grow at different rates and come to various levels of maturity. There is no reason for pride because it is all of God's grace.

Heartfelt sentiments take on a deeper meaning when one's life becomes a vapor in reality.

A Youth on a Battlefield Entered the Battle

The battle that I entered was the most difficult of my life; it changed my perspective of the Christian life, unseen personalities, and a war that is always present, even though demon spirits are not omnipresent. God is in total control, but faith is a necessary weapon that must be kept clean and well-loaded because we do not know the hour we may come under attack.

Paul's admonition (authoritative warning) to us is, "...take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day..." We are not told when the evil day is. It could be today, tomorrow, or next week. If you belong to Jesus Christ, there will be many evil days. The only way to stand firm is to put on the full armor. The armor is identification with Jesus Christ.

Late in the 1990s, a person came against me with accusations about my counseling ministry at Church. I went to prayer, and while praying, it became apparent that I was under spiritual attack, which was primarily demonic. Despite lawsuit threats, I dismissed the circumstances with God-given faith, became totally at peace, and never heard another word.

A Youth on a Battlefield Received a Different Perspective

Recently, my eyes have been opened further about the state of the Church, and I am confident my readers are aware of this change. We can view all matters of life as if people are always on center stage. However, that is not even close to accurate. In the story of Job, he appears to be center stage, but what is unseen to him and his friends is the accusations made by Satan and directed to the Almighty. God wanted to alter Job's character and the character of many other people whom we do not see.

Nevertheless, the conflict between God and His mightiest fallen angel was at center stage. The entire conflict was utterly unknown to all in the story. Not a word was ever spoken in that regard. Much of what goes on in the Church is like Job's story. So when people like myself say things should be different, it is not primarily an attack on people but with an understanding of what is going on behind the scenes.

A Youth on a Battlefield I am no longer. I have scars, but they have all been cleansed and healed through the blood of the Son of God. I have benefited from the conflict and love to impart this reality to those around me for their benefit. This battle is not fiction; it's neither fake nor a fairytale, though the devil would love you to think so. Jesus Christ is at the center of every page of the scriptures.

Nevertheless, the devil lurks in the margins for the one with eyes to see him. There is not a book of the Bible where Satan does not appear in one form or another for those with eyes to see him. In the book of Revelation, Jesus Christ takes center stage. Satan, on the other hand, is unseen by the world that is more than willing to worship him. However, he is also revealed through the Word of Him, who sees all things. Satan is placed in chains for a literal thousand years (there is no other way to interpret them) but must be released for a time. Why? The major conflict has always been with Lucifer, the morning star, but this conflict, while having a duration that must be completed, will also end.

The oldest person is but a youth on a battlefield who cannot discern between God's voice and demonic deceptions to walk in the Spirit and not fulfill the desires of the flesh.


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