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Writer's pictureJoseph Durso

Learning From The Darkness

From Darkness to Light, A Journey of Faith

What is it that should dominate man's thinking and top all priorities?
"In the Beginning God..." Genesis 1:1

The old Christian proverb says, "Don't forget in the light what you learn in the dark." A dark place begins with difficult circumstances, and a believer will turn to God immediately or eventually. Illuminating lessons are always available for those with a teachable/ humble spirit. This past week has been a dark place for my wife and me as she faces near death and open heart surgery. For my wife and I, the importance of our relationship has come into perfect focus.

Throughout human history, people have lost perspective regarding the main thing. We find the answer in chapter 4 of Genesis. "Enoch; and he built a city, and called the name of the city Enoch, after the name of his son." (Vs.17). "Jabal; he was the father of those who dwell in tents and have livestock." (Vs.20). "Tubal-Cain, the forger of all implements of bronze and the iron;" (Vs.22). In a society as it first begins, people have as their first sense of concern is for men to make a name for themselves, travel and wealth, and inventing new things. All these things and more are placed as a priority over relationships.

Lamech made an interesting statement as to what he was most proud. "Give heed to my speech, for I have killed a man for wounding me; and a boy for striking me; If Cain is avenged sevenfold, then Lamech seventy-sevenfold." (Vs.23, 24). Talk about twisting things and a perverted sense of pride. As societies deteriorate morally, individuals turn to anger and violence.

Cultures and nations sometimes fall under God's judgment. Two times judgment falls on the world. The first in the time of Noah. "... The end of all flesh has come before Me; for the earth is filled with violence because of them..." Genesis 6:13. The second at the end of the tribulation, recorded in Revelation.

A relationship is the main thing and the top priority. Genesis 1:1: "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." What beginning? The beginning of everything created. Before the start of creation, there was nothing but God, period! There was Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the divine trinity in relationship with one another. There was a need for nothing because God, by virtue of His name, I AM, that is eternal, without beginning of days or end of life. He is consummate joy needing nothing, and in a perfect love relationship as One God in three persons.

It's a sad epitaph for many who make their lives about themselves. Even in healthy families, there can be severe imbalances in priorities. There is a movement in America to go tiny; in some cases, it is about families getting closer. Less time is needed to make enough for things while overlooking relationships.

Before creation, nothing is said about God doing something and building, creating, and inventing. God is about relationships in an eternal state. It's hard to comprehend because sin has marred and so badly distorted selflessness into selfishness. God is about relationships, and the only creatures that can please Him are about relationships in the same way He is.

To love my wife for what she does for me is sub-godly love. God's love for a person at this present time is unconditional. God does not ever love based on conditions, but God can't love sinful being unless he transforms them through a salvation experience that puts them in a godly relationship trajectory. Trinitarian love is within the context of righteousness according to a perfect standard. The love of all God's children will forever be empowered by the indwelling presence of Christ's sacrificial death and holy resurrection.

My wife and I are saved sinners by the blood of Christ. We have been in the process of change for nearly fifty years. Neither one of us is perfect, but I love my wife dearly, and my heart aches until I hear that she's going to survive this heart condition. We are looking for glory, and to depart and be with Christ is far better than this life. However, separation from even a sinner after being joined as husband and wife, which typifies all relationships in eternity as sinful selfishness is replaced by selfless devotion is like being torn apart.

How do you think the church is doing?


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