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Writer's pictureJoseph Durso

Our Father Determines our Purpose

A Journey of Faith: From Death to Life

The person who Knows His belongs to God embraces the divine purpose.
Knowing from where we came Gives us our Purpose

We know ourselves best when we know from where we came. Some believe in reincarnation, others in evolution, and for Pantheists, God is in all things, and then there is the Judeo/Christian faith. Only the Bible articulates creation with amazing details and explains how a perfect and all-knowing God made everything good and how it all went so wrong.

I We are the Children of Creation

In six literal twenty-four-hour days, God created all that now exists. The word for day in Hebrew is Yom, and it always means a twenty-four-hour day, especially when a number accompanies it, as it always is in Genesis 1. When evolution was first getting traction in America, ministers began to waver about the age of the earth. Some suggested that the days of creation were periods. However, there remained the problem of grammar. Was God confused when using the word yom when he warned Adam about eating the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? "...for in the day that you eat from it, you will surely die." The word day in God's warning is yom. Would anyone think that Adam took nine-hundred years to eat the fruit? He died spiritually.

The third chapter of Genesis is the most potent argument for the world's condition. After we are told that God made man in His image, he was to go forth, multiply and fill the earth, and equally subdue it. In Hebrew, subdue is kabash and means bring into bondage, force, keep under, conquer, subjugate. In God's image, man was designated authority over the rest of creation on earth and to bring it under God's authority. The ultimate person in authority is the creator, God. He owns, He is perfect in righteousness, and there is only one of Him. Therefore all creation must bow to His moral will. God's authority means to men that they will be slaves to Him. The only other alternative is rebellion. Therefore, in the Garden in Genesis 3, we see the race's rebellion in Adam. The same fall would have occurred if any other person had been in the Garden instead of Adam and Eve. Why are the people of the world in the condition and circumstances surrounding us all? Rebellion!

II We are the Children of the '60s

The 1950s and '60s gave rise to evolution. Evolution is rebellion! This article is about mankind's rebellion against God. America, in part, was founded upon the principles followed by the Pilgrims, many of whom gave their lives in the hope of starting a Christian community in a new land. The outcome of their commitment and that of the founding fathers, who The Great Awakening influenced, was to launch freedom like the world had otherwise never known. From the beginning evil men and usurpers have tried to undo the constitution of these United States, but that end will not come until God's time. As an American, you should be a follower of the Pilgrims and Forefathers, who, along with all who believe in the founding principles of this nation, gave us our freedom.

When you finish reading this article, click the first link below to learn anew or as a refresher about the beginning of our nation, America. If you would like to support Kirk Cameron, buy the DVD and show it to others. We did!

Link two: Evolution is not feasible or reasonable.

III Christians are the Children of Purpose and Freedom

I have been training a dog, which means she is doing increasingly more of what I want and less and less of what she wants. All dog training is not the same. Standard training involves treats and no harsh discipline for disobedience. Such training cannot alter a dog's character. Strict discipline has rewards of freedom from a leash and a character that will always do what its master commands. In Christianity, Jesus Christ redeems those He has chosen by His saving grace. He then enters them into a sanctification boot camp, where He alters their character into the image of God. The result, partly in this life and finished upon arrival in heaven, is complete and unwavering slavery to Jesus Christ, the glory of obedience to Him, and the subsequent freedom of unfailing love from, through, and unto Him for all eternity.

My dear reader, what you believe about your origin is directly related to the one who is your father. Either your father is the creator God, to whom you owe allegiance and submission, or it is the devil's lies. You'll never know a more loving Father than God. In this sinful and rebellious world, His methods may sometimes be disciplinary, but they will reap an eternal reward. No matter what you've heard, Jesus said, "Unless a man denies himself, takes up his cross, and follows Me, he cannot be My disciple." Don't be deceived by false Christians!


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