My Journey of Faith
Like all of life, the Christian life is filled with highs and lows, Triumphs and trials, joys and sorrows. Without a doubt, my son's trip to Israel was one of my highs, triumphs, and joys. We had fun, received an education, observed the most critical land in the world to God, and most importantly, we did it together.
Paul's Trip To Israel He Turned Into a Picture Book
Paul's Trip to Israel Was His Dream
Having been part of the church for many years, I knew how many in the church might react to Paul's desire to wait to be baptized. There are many reasons that people would cite for being baptized soon, but there is no command in scripture. As Paul's father, I chose to wait with him to see his resolve to be baptized when he said he would. Sure enough, when his thirtieth birthday came, I received the phone call and heard Paul say, "Okay, set up the trip; we're going to Israel." My heart leaped for my opportunity to go with him for such a glorious reason. I would rather see people come to Christ, count the cost, and wait so they could be sure they were willing to pay. Paul gets my highest praise for making such an important decision the way he did and sticking to it.
Paul's Trip To Israel Was Meaningful Because...
Paul's Trip To Israel Enlarged Our View Of A Military State
The military's presence was frequent and comforting, as was the knowledge that a world without God is a world that knows no peace.
On one of our days in Israel, we visited a tank museum. As we walked in the door, we saw a tank partly sticking out of a wall. Statues of soldiers stood around the tank, but the statues did not have faces. We met a man who explained that they were faceless because it was not a monument to those men, particularly, but to the tank core.
He then told us that on the museum's opening day, a man walked in, observed the tank, sat on one step before it, and began to cry. He explained that was not what they expected to see and asked him what was wrong. He said he recognized the photo as he had received many of them when his son was killed during a training exercise. Stories like that make you realize you're in a nation at war.
Paul's Trip To Israel Connected The Land and People To Bible Narratives
When you have spent your life reading the Bible and familiarizing yourself with events that took place 2,000 and as much as 3,500 years ago and then go there and see the land, it moves you emotionally.
"And He (Jesus) said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Matthew 4:19
When we read of Peter, James and John cleaning their nets, undboubtedly they used something similar to the man in the boat.
Think of it, we were in the very spot on earth where Jesus walked on the water.
Paul's Trip To Israel Was Meaningful To Us Both
We Visited Where The Borders of Lebanon, Siberia and Israel Come Toether
"Hey dad, look at me getting some shade and out of the line of fire."
Hey Paul, look at me taking in some son and leaning on a tank turret.
Our Border Guide
We spent a little time learning about what it takes to secure one of Israel's borders. We were overlooking Lebanon, where you can't be too careful. There were mind fields and houses down below where some houses didn't have windows in case they decided to take potshots at us.
The man wearing the red hat in the picture above talked to us about Israel from the perspective of engaging in war. At one point, he referred to the fact that they (Israel) are the chosen people. He leaned back on the fence, thought momentarily, and said, "I don't know why we are the chosen people." On another day, when on the bus, I was asked to share a message with our fellow passengers. I used his thoughts when explaining the sovereignty of God. Our Jewish tour guide wasn't happy with me after that day. However, more than one couple thanked me for what I shared and said they were blessed. As God caused creation speaking into existence everything from nothing, even so God speaks eternal life into hearts dead in trespasses and sins.
The picture on your top right shows the steps leading up to an altar of sacrifice, where a king set a gold calf for worship. Idolatry was ubiquitous in Israel, which they were warned against in the Ten Commandments. After the commandments were written in Exodus 20, we are told in verses 25 and 26, 'If you make an altar of stone for Me, you shall not build it of cut stones, for if you wield your tool on it, you will profane it. 'And you shall not go up by steps to My altar so that your nakedness will not be exposed on it.' Sinful people, which we all are, are never good at following God's laws.
Paul's Trip To Israel Allowed Us To View The Memory of Roman Captivity
"“There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, 11or one who casts a spell, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead" Deuteronomy 18:10-11.
Israel has been a testament to God's holy righteousness. "The nations will know that the house of Israel went into exile for their iniquity because they acted treacherously against Me, and I hid My face from them; so I gave them into the hand of their adversaries, and all of them fell by the sword." Ezekiel 39:23 As God's word has been faithful in Israel, even so, it will be for all eternity. "If anyone is destined for captivity, to captivity he goes; if anyone kills with the sword, with the sword he must be killed. Here is the perseverance and the faith of the saints." Revelation 13:10
Paul's Trip To Israel Gave Us Chills From Israel's Love For America
We are in Israel, a nation persecuted by countries from all over the world for 2,000 years. We are enjoying our food, the atmosphere, and the servers. Then, flairs went off on a nearby boat in Israel, which can frighten you. Nevertheless, the singers on stage began to sing 'God Bless America' to their friends from the other side of the globe. After finishing their song, they went on to sing, 'On Holy Ground,' when they sang the words, Jesus Christ, I felt like crying. When they finished the song, I went to the woman in charge and said, "I have to thank you for the blessing of hearing a Christian..." She stopped me mid-sentence and said, "No, we have to thank you for all the help you have been to our country.
At least 40% of our country is not religious, never mind godly, and unfamiliar with God's promises to Abraham's seed. "And I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great; And so you shall be a blessing; And I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse. And in you, all the families of the earth will be blessed" Genesis 12:2-3. For this reason, everyone should be pleased with our president for a second term who is intent on blessing Israel.
Paul's Trip To Israel Gave Us Some Local Flavor
I signed us up with The Friends of Israel; I received a packet of information, and included was the ZVI, which is about a young boy whose mom sent him away so he would not be taken with her to a German concentration camp. It is a great read. ZVI is the Jewish name for Henry. He considered himself very cunning to avoid capture by German soldiers. After the war, he enlisted in the Israeli army in their quest to regain the land given to them by God. He was an incredible soldier and very brave.
However, once he became a Christian, he realized it was not so much his cunning as the sovereignty of God. Paul and I were privileged to meet him and attend a church he began. His son was the current pastor; he participated in the service in, I believe, seven languages. He was a bold witness for Jesus Christ among the Jews, and they sought his death on more than one occasion.
Paul's Trip To Israel Was the Fulfillment Of An Eighteen Year Dream
Then The Moment To Be Remembered
To understand there is no place for pride or competition in the church is crucial. Writing to the believers at Corinth, a church that surrendered to carnal living due to the deceitful lies of the enemy, he said, "Has Christ been divided? Paul was not crucified for you, was he? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul? I thank God that I baptized none of you except Crispus and Gaius, so that no one would say you were baptized in my name."
1 Corinthians 1:13-15
Paul's Trip To Israel Gave a Special Lord's Day Supper To Remember Him
Contemplating our Lord's death, I also noticed the people walking by and wondered if they were aware or oblivious to the historical and spiritual significance that stood beside their walkway.