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Writer's pictureJoseph Durso

The Church You Need To Know Part 2

Knowing the Church Series

The first Church made a clear proclamation of God's love and how it translated to a loving Church.

The Roman Church You Need To Know

You can find magnificent Cathedrals in the world, from St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, Italy, to St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City, New York, to Cologne Cathedral in Cologne, Germany, to St. Paul's Cathedral in London, to Alexander Nevksy Cathedral in Sofia, Bulgaria, to The Metropolitan Cathedral in Mexico City, to Notre-Dame Basilica in Quebec City, Montreal Canada, to Saint Sophia's Cathedral in Kiev, Ukraine, to Cathedral of Brasília in Brazil, etc. The question that always remains is this: were these extraordinary buildings to the glory of Christ or The Holy Roman Catholic Church?

The five pillars upon which The Protestant Reformation was built are these: The scripture alone, Christ Alone, Faith Alone, Grace Alone, and the Glory of God Alone. The protest was against the Roman Church and began as a revolt against an alternative Gospel to the truth. Unfortunately, the form of the Church went from a dynasty of Popes starting from Saint Peter to the present. Nevertheless, each succeeding Pope was chosen by men. The Church functioned by traditions, sacraments, ceremonies, rituals, and leadership so lofty that even ordinary priests could not interpret scripture independently but had to rely upon Cardinals and Popes.

Unfortunately, the Reformation, while re-establishing the Gospel, also became susceptible to many demonically influenced teachings and forms that also corrupted worship and discipleship from the way it was meant to be. The doctrines of the Roman Church were kept primarily among the hierarchy of leadership and from common people. For example, the treasury of Merrit was where excess goodness was said to be held so those needing more goodness to spend less time in Purgatory for their sins were stored. The people, therefore, could receive a reduced sentence card by paying for indulgences. It was abusive practices like these that eventually led the people to revolt against the Church.

The rebellion of the masses did not mean they entered the kingdom of God but merely changed the form of religion. Indeed, there were people converted by the Gospel as men of God proclaimed it with Holy Spirit power. However, had the Church returned to what it was at the beginning?

The Protestant Church You Need To Know

In time, much of the Protestant Church faced the same deadly fate that occurred in the Roman Catholic Church. The message from Christ to these Churches from Revelation 3:1-2 is this. "'...I know your deeds, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead. 'Wake up...". Much of this death occurred due to the church form changing but not the salvation of the people. Furthermore, in the 19th Century, higher criticism wreaked havoc with the scriptures in the eyes of Protestant leaders. This movement was of the devil and a direct assault upon the Bible. As a result, evolution was allowed to grab a footing and, in the 20th Century, destroyed all faith in the scriptures.

The First Century Church You Need To Know

"And the congregation of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and not one of them claimed that anything belonging to him was his own, but all things were common property to them. And with great power, the apostles were giving testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and abundant grace was upon them all. For there was not a needy person among them, for all who were owners of land or houses would sell them and bring the proceeds of the sales and lay them at the apostles' feet, and they would be distributed to each as any had need." Acts 4:32-35.

Nothing is more remarkable than the Gospel when a transformed life accompanies it. The Gospel in the first century was the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who, after dying for the penalty of sins, rose from death and imparted His holy life to those who believed.

In A Night's Tale, a Night falls in love with a beautiful woman of means. When asked by her, how do you prove your love to me, he replied. I will win the jousts for you. She responded you will win them for yourself but in my name. He replied, how would you have me prove my love and she responded, by losing. Loosing proves nothing, he responds, but she says, Losing will prove your death to self-love and your love for me.

We serve a Triune God who, as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, are the authors of death to self-love. Being the one true and living God is how they love one another. The account of the first Church of Jesus Christ is the beauty of believers dying to sin and coming alive by God's power and presence and giving themselves unreservedly for others. The Church you need to know is the Church of dying to self and the world and coming to life for the glory, honor, and love of the Lord Jesus Christ.


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